Currency exchange operations

Tariffs “Currency exchange operations”

Fee for purchase and sale of currency 0,25% Basic tariffs
0,15% Business Start tariff package
0,1% Business Comfort tariff package
free of charge Business PRO tariff package
Commission for purchase and sale of non-cash currency at the NBU exchange rate is equal to the difference between the commercial rate and the NBU rate

Tariffs “Foreign economic activity”

Payments Tariff:
(UAH equivalent at the NBU exchange rate)
In US dollars USD 30 Basic tariffs
USD 25 Business Start tariff package
USD 22 Business Comfort tariff package
USD 20 Business PRO tariff package
In Russian / Belarusian rubles USD 15
In euros and other leading world currencies EUR 30 Basic tariffs
EUR 25 Business Start tariff package
EUR 22 Business Comfort tariff package
EUR 20 Business PRO tariff package

Tariffs “International collection”

Service Tariff:
Handling of collection documents
(for export collection - registration, amending, cancellation of collection instructions; for import collection - acceptance and transfer of documents, forwarding or return of collection documents, advising of amendments in collection instructions (including cancellation), making settlements using collection)
(min USD 100, max USD 500)
Sending of payment documents between banks Calculated as per fees of the courier service