• State guarantee for 100% of purchased OVDPs.
  • There is no income tax on income received from OVDPs.
  • The possibility of early sale of OVDPs in the secondary market.

Quotation of domestic government loan bonds of Ukraine

Relevant on 21.01.2025

ISIN code Maturity BID Yield ASK Yield Yield
UA4000229736 30.01.2025 4.5000 - SIM
UA4000230106 20.03.2025 4.5000 - SIM
UA4000230452 24.04.2025 4.5000 1.2500 SIM
UA4000231864 21.08.2025 4.7500 3.5000 YTM
UA4000232623 25.09.2025 4.7500 4.0000 YTM
UA4000232821 09.10.2025 5.0000 4.2500 YTM
UA4000233134 20.11.2025 5.0000 4.4000 YTM
UA4000233407 04.12.2025 5.0000 4.5000 YTM
ISIN code Maturity BID Yield ASK Yield Yield
UA4000230023 13.03.2025 4.0000 1.2500 SIM
UA4000230817 15.05.2025 4.0000 2.0000 SIM
UA4000232730 04.09.2025 4.0000 2.2500 SIM
ISIN code Maturity BID Yield ASK Yield Yield
UA4000204150 26.02.2025 15.0000 13.5000 SIM
UA4000230213 12.03.2025 15.0000 14.0000 SIM
UA4000227185 02.04.2025 15.2500 - SIM
UA4000230635 30.04.2025 15.2500 14.1000 SIM
UA4000227102 21.05.2025 15.2500 - SIM
UA4000231187 04.06.2025 15.5000 14.2500 SIM
UA4000228449 18.06.2025 15.5000 14.2500 SIM
UA4000228910 23.07.2025 15.7500 14.2500 YTM
UA4000227193 06.08.2025 15.7500 - YTM
UA40002312K7 10.09.2025 16.0000 14.7500 YTM
UA4000232599 01.10.2025 16.0000 14.7500 YTM
UA4000229264 15.10.2025 16.2500 15.0000 YTM
UA4000227201 05.11.2025 16.2500 - YTM
UA4000230262 28.01.2026 16.2500 15.4000 YTM
UA4000227490 18.02.2026 16.2500 - YTM
UA4000230809 18.03.2026 16.5000 15.5000 YTM
UA4000218531 13.05.2026 16.5000 15.6000 YTM
UA4000231559 10.06.2026 16.5000 15.6500 YTM
UA4000234215 24.06.2026 15.7700 15.6700 YTM
UA4000228043 22.07.2026 17.0000 - YTM
UA4000228811 30.09.2026 17.0000 - YTM
UA4000228381 04.11.2026 17.2500 - YTM
UA4000229116 24.02.2027 17.2500 - YTM
UA4000207518 26.05.2027 17.5000 17.0000 YTM
UA4000234223 09.06.2027 16.9600 16.8600 YTM
UA4000230270 07.07.2027 17.5000 16.7500 YTM
UA4000231195 25.08.2027 17.5000 16.8500 YTM
UA4000232177 20.10.2027 17.5000 - YTM
UA4000233712 03.11.2027 17.5000 16.9500 YTM
UA4000231625 09.02.2028 17.7500 17.3500 YTM
* All quotes are indicative and may change during the day

Transactions with domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) in Privat24

Transactions with domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) in Privat24

For PrivatBank customers, Privat24 has implemented the following OVDPs opportunities:

  • acquisition of OVDPs online;
  • open an account in securities (documents are formed with the first OVDPs acquisition);
  • view online the balances of acquired OVDPs;
  • generate an OVDPs statement for a selected period of time;
  • control your portfolio in securities, incl. expected coupon payments and cash for repayment of  OVDPs;
  • see the current PrivatBank’s quotes for sale of OVDPs;
  • review the key parameters of OVDPs’ issue;
  • check information on transactions with OVDPs in the stock market;
  • sell OVDPs online, which are recorded on a securities account with a depository institution.

What are the domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) of Ukraine?

What are the domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) of Ukraine?

Domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) are government securities placed exclusively on the domestic market.

OVDPs confirm Ukraine's obligation to repay the nominal value of bonds to the bondholders with payment of income in accordance with the terms of the bond placement.

Who is the issuer of domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) in Ukraine?

Who is the issuer of domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) in Ukraine?

The issuer of OVDPs is the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

In what form are domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) issued? Are there OVDPs in hard copies?

In what form are domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) issued? Are there OVDPs in hard copies?

There are no OVDPs in hard copies. The circulation of bonds in Ukraine is carried out exclusively in ELECTRONIC form. They are recognized in a securities account.

What are the guarantees of domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs)?

What are the guarantees of domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs)?

OVDPs are issued by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and are the most reliable securities in Ukraine. Repayment of OVDPs in full (100% of the amount) is guaranteed by the government.

Basic terms and conditions for working with OVDPs

Currency of the product UAH, USD, EUR
Transaction size Transaction amount in Privat24 should be between 100 TUAH to 10 MUAH or the equivalent in foreign currency
Maturity term From 3 months to 5 years
Interest accrual and payment In accordance with the terms of the Issuer

The advantages of OVDPs

Legal entities
  • State guarantee for 100% of purchased OVDPs
  • The current yield significantly exceeds the yield on the corresponding deposits
  • No income tax on income received from OVDPs
  • Possibility of early sale of OVDPs on the secondary market
  • Income is paid in foreign currency. The repayment of the amount of investments (on maturity) in currency OVDPs is carried out in foreign currency

Special aspects when buying/selling of domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) in USD and EUR

Special aspects when buying/selling of domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) in USD and EUR
  • The acquisition of domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs) issued in foreign currency is carried out in foreign currency or in UAH at the current exchange rate to foreign currency
  • Payment of interest income is carried out by the Ministry of Finance in foreign currency;
  • When the OVDPs are repaid at maturity - the repayment is in USD / EUR;
  • When the client sells bonds before maturity - the sale is in UAH at the current exchange rate to the USD/EUR.

Schedule of placement of domestic government loan bonds (OVDPs)

In national currency
In foreign currency

Days and terms of placement in the second quarter of 2022

03.05.2022 10.05.2022 17.05.2022 24.05.2022 31.05.2022 07.06.2022 14.06.2022 21.06.2022 28.06.2022
6 month

1 year
6 month

1 year
6 month

1 year
6 month

1 year
6 month

1 year
6 month

1 year
6 month

1 year
6 month

1 year


Income taxation of transactions with OVDPs

Legal entities

Income consists of:

  • interest income in the form of coupons,
  • investment income (the difference between the proceeds from sale and the expenses on purchasing the security)

The following incomes are excluded from the total monthly (annual) taxable income of a taxpayer:

  • interest income (coupon, redemption discount, p. 165.1.2 of the Tax Code of Ukraine)
  • investment income (p.165.1.52 of the Tax Code of Ukraine)

The amount of income received by a taxpayer in the form of interest accrued on domestic government loan bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the investment income from operations with these securities is subject to a military levy..

The basiс schedule of rates of JSC CB PRIVATBANK depositary institution

Legal entities
List of operations Proposed cost, UAH Payment terms
Opening of securities account 500,00 UAH or 300,00 UAH (in case of opening an account in electronic form). Separately, for each operation
Domestic government bonds on securities account the total nominal value of which is from UAH 1,000,000.01 /USD 40, 000.01 EUR 35,000.01 to UAH 10,000,000.00 /USD 400,000.00 /EUR 350,000.00
UAH 100.00
The cost is calculated per month
the total nominal value of which is from UAH 10,000,000.01 /USD 400,000.01 EUR 350,000.01 to UAH 50,000,000.00 /USD 2,000,000.00 /EUR 1,700,000.00
UAH 200.00
The cost is provided per month
the total nominal value of which is over UAH 50,000,000.00 /USD 2,000,000.00 /EUR 1,700,000.00
0.00034% of the total nominal value + UAH 200.0
The cost is provided per month
Crediting OVDPs into an account in securities purchased at an auction of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine from UAH 500,000.01 /USD 20,000.01 EUR 17,000.01 to UAH 50,000,000.00 /USD 2,000,000.00 /EUR 1,700,000.00
300 UAH
Per operation
Crediting OVDPs into an account in securities purchased from the portfolio of CB JSC PrivatBank OVDPs transaction amount up to UAH 1,000,000.00

200 UAH
Per one transaction
OVDPs transaction amount up to USD 50,000.00 / EUR 40,000.00

1,000 UAH
Per one transaction
OVDPs transaction amount more than UAH 1,000,000.00

300 UAH
Per one transaction
OVDPs transaction amount exceeding USD 50,000.01 / EUR 40,000.01

1,200 UAH
Per one transaction
Write-off of OVDPs from a securities account in case of repayment by the Ministry of Finance by the term Free of charge Per one transaction

List of operations

Proposed cost, UAH

Payment terms 

Opening an account in securities (SEC) 700 UAH (500 UAH for opening +200 UAH for the documents’ preparation) Separately for each transaction
Storage of SECs in an account 0.02% of the total face value, but not less than 100 UAH and not more than 1000 UAH + 20 UAH Cost provided per month
Crediting / debiting of SECs to / from the account in SECs 0.02% of the face value, but not less than 400 UAH and not more than 1000 UAH Per one transaction
Payment of income, redemption of SECs 1% of the amount, but not less than 30 UAH and not more than 300 UAH Per one transaction

Full schedule of rates is available here.

Is JSC CB PRIVATBANK a primary dealer on the government securities market in Ukraine?

Is JSC CB PRIVATBANK a primary dealer on the government securities market in Ukraine?

Yes. Based on the results of the meeting of the Commission for the selection and appraisal of the functioning of primary dealers which was held on July 14, 2017, JSC CB PRIVATBANK was selected and was granted the right to sign an agreement with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in order to obtain the status of primary dealer on the government securities market.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get more information about the OVDPs product?

Please leave a request on the website, and we will call you and tell you in more detail.

Whom can I contact for registration of OVDPs?

Retail customers of Premium Banking Division can contact:

  • their personal managers
  • VIP Contact Center at +38 (073) 900 00 02

Retail branch customers can get support by calling our Contact Center at 3700